In her workshop, Career Coach, Tammy Gooler Loeb covered networking and what to say during career conversations.
She highlighted 4 keys to successful networking:
State of mind
-Stay open and curious, deal with your committee (negative, discouraging thoughts), ask for help and express gratitude.
-Identify your personality type (introvert or extrovert).
- Recognize the power of one and reflect on your defining moments.
- Tap into your resources (personal/professional connections, groups/associations and social network)
What to say?
-Prepare an elevator speech that is crisp and concise to start the conversation.
-Decide on a specific, succinct branding statement that holds your listener’s attention, quickly differentiates you and encourages extended conversation/interest in you and your story
Follow up and follow through
-Gestures of gratitude help build memorability and solid connections.
-Create a diverse network in which reciprocity thrives.
-Develop your reputation and credibility.
Tammy stressed “People cannot help you unless you help them to help you.”
She concluded the workshop with a quote –
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Carl W Buechner