Thursday, January 24, 2013

Scott Casavant : Perspectives from a Hiring Director

Scott Casavant, Senior Finance Director at EMC Corp., gave an insightful presentation highlighting the various aspects of an interview and suggested ways to strengthen the resume.
He pointed out that hiring managers are looking for characteristics like accountability, adaptability, communication, energy and integrity. What they do not want to see includes job hopping, indifference, lack of originality, unpreparedness and being unprofessional.
Before the interview, candidates should :
·        reflect on their interest and skills

·        research and review the company’s website and get up-to-date on technology

·        update their resume

·        prepare for the interview (be honest, practice for interview questions and stay positive)

·        stay confident (prepare an ‘elevator pitch’ that they can use during the interview)

·        network
Scott also discussed some mock interview questions and scenarios. He concluded the session with resume tips. He stressed that candidates should keep their resume simple and that they should include unique accomplishments and interests that will grab the employer’s attention.  

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