Friday, October 26, 2012

Workshop by Jill Huggett on Nov 14

Join us at our next WIN meeting on Wed, Nov 14 at 6:30. Jill Huggett, a certified professional career coach will tell you what an information interview is and why this is beneficial to the job search. She will also describe how to get an interview, how to conduct an interview and what are the benefits of an informational interview.

Please register for the event by clicking on the Calendar link on the homepage of the library website. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

WIN meeting on October 24, 2012

At our WIN meeting, we watched an inspiring documentary, “Lemonade.” We also watched a few video clips on handling employment gaps. We learned some tips on how to make our resume stand out and what to avoid in an interview. In addition, we reflected on our strengths which we can portray during an interview.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Join us for our next WIN meeting on October 24, 2012 (6.30-8.00pm)

We will watch…

“Lemonade the Movie: It’s not a pink slip. It’s a blank page.”

Join us for the screening of an inspiring documentary, "Lemonade"! "What do people who were once paid to be creative for a living do when they're laid off? They get creative with their own lives. Lemonade is an inspirational film about 16 advertising professionals who lost their jobs and found their calling, encouraging people to listen to that little voice inside their head that asks, "What if?" (From the description on the official website)  

We will learn…

·         how to stay positive.
·         how to respond when you are out of work.
·         how to make your Resume stand out.

We will share…

…our personal experiences.

Mark your calendars!

We hope to see you at this meeting!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Julie Bernardin's Workshop

Employment expert - Julie Bernardin conducted a very good workshop this evening.

 The key goals of the workshop were:

1) How can I describe my credentials in a way that distinguishes me from others?

2) Presenting my value to a potential employer by connecting their needs to what I can provide.

The participants worked in groups/teams to get a feel of how to present themselves to an interviewer and got valuable feedback from their team mates .

Julie stressed that, although it is popularly believed that our resumes should reflect our history, they should not. Resumes can include some history but they are documents that should show what we can do for the employer.

One of her tips was that it would be a good idea to set a direction in your resume by giving a headline/title followed by a branding statement about you.